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Fortis Students

Staying Faithful in Difficult Times

Staying Faithful in Difficult Times

We all know the story of Job. He had all that he loved taken away from him, but he still remained faithful to God. This story should be an example to us, that even if it sometimes seems as though God isn’t there, He is, and we should stay faithful to Him. And yet,...

The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil

Is evil necessary? This is a huge question that many Christians have trouble answering, and one that often deters others from the faith. Many people say that if God truly loved us then he wouldn’t allow evil in the world. If He truly loved us, then He wouldn’t allow...

The Trinity

The Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the core beliefs of Christianity. It is also an aspect of our faith that is very confusing and one that atheists take great issue with. So, how can we effectively defend one of Christianity’s most important beliefs?   Something...

The Freedom of Value

The Freedom of Value

In this world, finding one’s worth can be a battle. Today, people are told that the world is meaningless, their minds are just chemicals, and there is no god. Kinda hard to find any value in that, huh? In most schools in America, people are taught that their only...



There are many problems with today’s society. However, one of the greatest rising problems is Euthanasia. Euthanasia, also called ‘mercy killing’, or ‘assisted suicide’, is now supported by 57% of doctors, according to a 2016 Medicare Survey. They argue that people...

The Obsession with Race

The Obsession with Race

"This movie sucks, there aren't enough people of color!" someone cried out. I hear and read this too often. People get upset when the find there isn't enough representation of people of color (POC) in whatever they need to complain about. Unfortunately, people always...

A Book Like No Other

A Book Like No Other

In the most unexpected way, my life changed forever; I read the Bible. I never knew a book could impact me so greatly until I found myself reading the Bible. Much, if not all, of the Bible has captured my attention. Last year, which only ended a few weeks ago, I was...

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